My Sunday funday was running 13+ miles. Yesterday morning's run was canceled due to the lightning and pouring rain. Good by me, as I imagine the humidity alone yesterday would have made for a miserable run - I almost forgot what it felt like to run in moderate temps. It was barely 50 when I left home this morning, so strange. After 2 miles I ditched the long sleeve UGLY Mini Indy shirt and rocked the rest in a tank and shorts. Seemed weird but a welcome change to get a little chilled along the way. I finished today and felt like I still had some to give so that was a great way to end another long training run. Today's main topic of discussion was race strategy. Last year's strategy was just to survive my first half and have an open mind about doing it again someday - guess I've come a long way since then.
Talking over race strategy with Jeff and Jen was pretty helpful. The last few weeks I've had the best runs when I don't dedicate so much energy to my pace. I've tried to have a few landmarks along the route so I have a general idea of where I am against my goal. Right now I'm leaning toward trying to do something along those lines, I think it will be challenging but doable. Jeff knows how much I get in my head if I think I've gone out too fast so his advice was to really focus in on where I want to be time wise at mile 3, 6, 9 and 12. Definitely great advice for this chicklet. It is going to be really strange to be out there running my own race rather than alongside my training buddies. I also need to decide if I'm going to carry water along with me, in the past I've felt like the water stops are a crutch I use to slow down. If only all of life's decisions were this trivial, eh?
Is it really time to taper?
I suppose last week was the start of the taper since that was the last 15 miler, but I feel like its really here this week with only a 9 miler on the schedule for next Saturday. I mean, that's in addition to the 3, 6, and 3 I'll run during the week. Guess its still a 22 mile week so nothing to shake a stick at. Just in case you might be into shaking sticks... Tapering tends to make me a bit antsy, but since I know I put in the work I am going to do my best to trust that and enjoy it. Its kind of like I look forward to the taper and dread it at the same time!
And this is what running friends are for...
So last Friday I get a Facebook message asking if I'm going to be there on Saturday for the long run. It goes to three of us and of course we all respond with a resounding YES we can't wait, uh huh right. Totally paraphrased, but the conversation goes a little something like this...
Instigator: Are you guys going to be there this Saturday?
First responder: Yeah, bright and early.
Me: Yeah me too, but probably not as bright as First responder above me.
Third responder: I'll be there, but haven't run all week and am crabby.
Instigator: I'm crabby too since I haven't been able to run much (injury), be sure to be there so we'll run ourselves into a good mood.
First responder: I'm crabby too, still stuck at work.
Me: I was crabby last night and quit 1/4 mile into my run. Amazing what a being home alone, a beer or 2, pita chips and havarti can do to a foul mood. Looking forward to seeing all your crabby asses in the AM.
Then we go on to wonder in writing if this is how most running friends talk. Since I've not been privy to anything quite like this group before its hard for me to say. All I can really say is that these are some cool chicks - I love the banter and totally dig the support.
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